Tech Trends: Exploring the Future of Digital Innovation

Are you passionate about technology? Do you have a knack for sharing your insights with the world? If you answered yes, you’re in the right place! Welcome to our ‘Write for Us’ page, your gateway to becoming a tech-savvy author. In this article, we’ll explore how to create an enticing ‘Write for Us’ page specifically tailored to the ever-evolving world of technology. So, grab your virtual pen and let’s dive into the realm of tech writing.

1. What Is a ‘Write for Us’ Page?

Search Operator Usage Example Purpose/Application
site: write for us To find a “Write for Us” page specifically within a certain website.
intitle: intitle:”write for us”   technology To find pages that have “write for us” in the title, focusing on   technology topics.
inurl: inurl:write-for-us SEO To discover SEO-related “Write for Us” pages by searching URLs containing the phrase.
(Double Quotes) “write for us” “submit a guest post” To search for exact matches of common phrases used on “Write for Us” pages.
(Minus) “write for us” To exclude certain domains, like Pinterest, from your search results.
OR “write for us” OR “contribute”   technology To search for either “write for us” or “contribute” pages related to   technology.
filetype: filetype:doc “write for us” Though less common, this can be used to find downloadable documents that mention “Write for Us,” potentially including submission guidelines in DOC format.
intext: intext:”guest post guidelines”   technology To find marketing pages that mention “guest post guidelines” somewhere in the text.
allintitle: allintitle:write for us   technology Ensures that all words appear in the title, useful for filtering to specific topics.
allinurl: allinurl:submit-post   technology Searches for URLs that contain both “submit” and “post,” targeting   technology topics.
related: Finds websites related to a given blog, which can uncover similar opportunities not directly found through other searches.
cache: Shows the cached version of a specific “Write for Us” page, useful if the current page is down.
allintext: allintext:”write for us” + “guidelines”   technology Searches for   technology sites where both “write for us” and “guidelines” appear in the text, ensuring you find detailed submission pages.
inurl: + intitle: inurl:guest-post intitle:”write for us”   technology Aims to find   technology sites that have both “guest-post” in the URL and “write for us” in the title, indicating a dedicated guest posting page.
OR + site: “write for us” OR “submit an article” Looks for nonprofit or organizational websites (.org) interested in either “write for us” submissions or “submit an article” contributions.
+ “write for us” -“closed” -“not accepting” Searches for “write for us” pages while excluding those that state they are currently closed or not accepting submissions.
site: + intext: site:edu intext:”contribute to”   technology Finds   technology (.edu) websites seeking contributions on science topics, indicating a higher likelihood of quality and authority.
intitle: + OR intitle:(“write for us” OR “contribute”)   technology Searches for   technology-related pages that are specifically looking for contributors or guest posts, broadening the scope by including “contribute.”
inurl: + inurl:blog “write for us” -category Finds blogs with “write for us” pages by excluding URLs that contain the word “category,” potentially filtering out blog index pages.
filetype: + intext: filetype:pdf intext:”submission guidelines” Searches for PDFs containing “submission guidelines,” useful for academic, scientific, or professional submissions where guidelines are often in PDF format.
allinurl: + intext: allinurl:submit-article intext:”  technology Looks for pages where the URL suggests article submission and the text includes “  technology,” targeting how-to and tutorial sites.
” “ + intext: + OR “guest post by” intext:(expert OR author)   technology Finds   technology articles by guest experts or authors, indicating sites that welcome knowledgeable contributions.
site: + OR + intext: OR intext:”write for us”   technology Targets UK (.uk) and Ireland (.ie)   technology sites open for guest posts, focusing on a geographical area.
+ inurl: + intext: -inurl:forum -inurl:thread intext:”write for us”   technology Excludes forums and threads, focusing on   technology websites that actively seek guest posts or articles.
intext: + -“no longer” intext:”write for us” -“no longer accepting” Filters out sites that explicitly mention they are no longer accepting submissions, ensuring you target active opportunities.
inurl:contribute + OR + inurl:submission inurl:contribute OR inurl:submission “  technology Broadens the search to include URLs with either “contribute” or “submission,” aimed at   technology opportunities.
allinurl: + intitle: allinurl:write-for-us intitle:guest “  technology tips” Searches for   technology tips websites with “write-for-us” in the URL and pages specifically titled with “guest,” indicating guest post acceptance.
site: + -filetype: -filetype:pdf “submit your post” Targets a specific site for submission opportunities but excludes PDFs, which might contain outdated guidelines.
intext: + related: intext:”guest post guidelines” Finds pages with guest post guidelines that are related to a known site, uncovering similar opportunities in the same niche.
” “ + `-inurl:(tag tags)` “write for us” -inurl:tag -inurl:tags
allintext: + -site: allintext:”submit an article” Excludes social media platforms from search results, focusing on dedicated websites that accept article submissions.
intitle: + -“not looking” intitle:”write for us” -“not looking for contributions” Specifically targets “write for us” pages while filtering out those stating they are not currently seeking contributions.
inurl:guest + intext: + -“thank you” inurl:guest intext:”write for us” -“thank you posts” Focuses on guest-related URLs and excludes “thank you” posts, which often list past contributors rather than offering opportunities.
intitle: + OR + -“this page” intitle:”contribute” OR “write for us” -“this page is closed” Searches for titles indicating contribution opportunities, avoiding pages marked as closed.
site: + intext: + -“currently full” intext:”guest posts” -“currently full” Looks for   technologyal sites accepting guest posts but excludes any that mention they are currently full or not accepting new posts.
allinurl: + -“category” + -“archive” allinurl:write-for-us -“category” -“archive” Refines searches to exclude category and archive pages, which might clutter up results without offering direct opportunities.
allintext: + -“not accepting” allintext:”write for us” -“not accepting” Filters out pages that state they are not currently accepting submissions, streamlining the search for active opportunities.
intitle: + inurl:submit intitle:”guest post” inurl:submit Targets pages with “guest post” in their title and “submit” in their URL, indicating a high likelihood of submission calls.
site: + OR + -inurl: OR -inurl:forum “write for us” Aims to find “Write for Us” pages on commercial (.com) or network (.net) sites, while excluding forums to avoid off-topic results.
” “ + -intitle: “submit your content” -intitle:comments Looks for exact matches of “submit your content” but excludes pages with “comments” in the title to avoid comment sections.
inurl:author + intext: inurl:author intext:”contribute to our site” Finds author-specific URLs that invite contributions, suggesting guest authoring opportunities.
intitle: + -“archive” + -“tag” intitle:”write for us” -“archive” -“tag” Searches for pages titled “write for us,” excluding archives and tags to filter out less relevant results.
site: + -“FAQ” + -“contact” “write for us” -“FAQ” -“contact” Focuses on finding “Write for Us” pages within a specific domain, excluding FAQ and contact pages to narrow down to the submission guidelines page.
intext: + OR + -“comments closed” intext:”guest post” OR “write for us” -“comments closed” Searches for text containing either “guest post” or “write for us,” excluding pages that mention “comments closed” to avoid outdated opportunities.
allinurl: + -“forum” + -“reply” allinurl:guest-post -“forum” -“reply” Targets URLs containing “guest-post” but excludes forums and replies, aiming for direct guest post submission pages.
site: + intitle: + -“no posts” site:edu intitle:”write for us” -“no posts” Searches for   technologyal sites (.edu) with “write for us” in the title, excluding pages stating “no posts” to find active opportunities.
” “ + -“sign up now” “write for us” -“sign up now” Looks for exact matches of “write for us” while excluding any call to action like “sign up now,” which might indicate a different context.
inurl:blog + intext: + -“submit” inurl:blog intext:”write for us” -“submit” Searches for blogs indicating a “write for us” page but excludes those with “submit” in their text, potentially narrowing down to more specific guidelines or contact forms.
allintext: + -“not currently” allintext:”write for us” -“not currently” Aims to exclude pages that specifically mention they are not currently looking for contributions, focusing on active opportunities.
intitle: + -“category” + -“tags” intitle:”submit an article” -“category” -“tags” Filters out pages that are likely to be category listings or tag archives, honing in on direct submission pages.
site: + OR + -“guest” OR “write for us” -“guest” Searches for “Write for Us” pages on either of two specific domains, excluding pages that use “guest” in a way that might indicate closed opportunities.
” “ + -“become a member” “submit your work” -“become a member” Searches for direct invitations to submit work while avoiding sites that require a membership sign-up to contribute.
inurl:contributors + intext: + -“no longer” inurl:contributors intext:”guest writers” -“no longer” Targets contributor-specific URLs that invite guest writers, excluding those that state they no longer accept contributions.
intitle: + -“guidelines” + -“FAQ” intitle:”write for us” -“guidelines” -“FAQ” Seeks out “Write for Us” titles but aims to sidestep guidelines or FAQ pages, potentially to find direct contact forms or alternative submission methods.
site: + -“archive” + -“template” “guest post” -“archive” -“template” Focuses the search on a specific site for guest posting opportunities, excluding archives and templates to improve relevance.
intext: + -“apply now” + -“membership” intext:”write for us” -“apply now” -“membership” Searches for text inviting submissions, excluding prompts that might lead to application or membership pages rather than direct opportunities.
allinurl: + -“submit” + -“apply” allinurl:write-for-us -“submit” -“apply” Aims at URLs containing “write-for-us” while excluding terms that often accompany more complex submission processes or applications.
site: + intitle: + -“closed” + -“not accepting” site:edu intitle:”write for us” -“closed” -“not accepting” Specifically targets   technologyal sites with active “Write for Us” pages, excluding any that mention being closed to submissions.
” “ + -“sign up” + -“register” “contribute” -“sign up” -“register” Looks for opportunities to contribute without the need for signing up or registering, aiming for more straightforward submission processes.
inurl:blog + intext: + -“comment” inurl:blog intext:”submit a post” -“comment” Focuses on blogs inviting post submissions, excluding pages where “comment” might indicate a focus on reader feedback rather than guest contributions.

Let’s start with the basics. A ‘Write for Us’ page is like an open invitation for writers to contribute their unique perspectives to a particular platform. It’s the digital red carpet that welcomes aspiring writers, bloggers, and tech enthusiasts to share their knowledge, experiences, and insights with a broader audience.

2. Why Tech Writing Matters?

Technology is the heartbeat of our modern world. From the latest gadgets to software innovations, there’s a tech story waiting to be told. Tech writing matters because it bridges the gap between complex technical concepts and everyday readers. It’s a medium to translate the language of machines into something relatable and understandable.

3. Finding Your Niche

Tech is a vast universe, and finding your niche is essential. Are you passionate about AI, cybersecurity, or maybe the latest smartphone trends? Identifying your area of expertise will not only make your writing more focused but also resonate with readers who share your interests.

4. Crafting an Engaging Bio

Your author bio is your digital handshake with readers. Make it engaging and personable. Share a bit about your tech journey, your interests, and what readers can expect from your articles. A well-crafted bio can leave a lasting impression.

5. Guidelines for Submission

Every platform has its submission guidelines. Pay close attention to them. It’s like following the rules of the road – it ensures a smooth journey. From word count to formatting preferences, adhering to guidelines shows professionalism.

6. The Power of Visuals

A picture is worth a thousand words, and in tech writing, visuals are invaluable. Use images, infographics, and diagrams to simplify complex ideas. Visuals not only enhance understanding but also make your content more shareable.

7. Formatting Matters

Formatting isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about readability. Break your content into bite-sized chunks with headings and subheadings. Use bullet points and numbered lists when applicable. A well-structured article keeps readers engaged.

Table of Contents

write for us “blog”
write for us graphic design
write for us Mobile application
write for us Hacking
write for us CyberSecurity
write for us Gaming
write for us Errors
write for us Social Media
write for us Internet Marketing
Technology Business + “write for us” + guest post
Hosting + “write for us” + guest post
Online Marketing + “write for us”
Web Development “write for us”
Social Media Marketing “write for us”
tech blogs “write for us” + guest Submit
digital marketing news “write for us”
“Write for Us” Fashion & LifeStyle Guest Post
Guest Post clothing “write for us”
wedding clothing “write for us”
stoner apparel “write for us”
style “write for us
Technology “become a guest blogger”
Tech Tips “become an author”
technical write for us
technology + “write for us” + guest post
technology articles + “write for us”
tech blog “write for us”
tech news write for us
technology write for us free guest post
technology blog “write for us”
Keyword “submit tech news”
technology write for us
write for us tech
technology write for us guest post
tech + write for us
tech write for us
write for us technology
write for us tech blog
technology+”write for us”
tech blogs write for us
technology blogs write for us
tech blog write for us
technology blog write for us contribute write for us
emerging tech blog “write for us”
“write for us” + business or technology
tech blogs “write for us”
write for us technology blog
technical writing + write for us
geek tech “write for us”
business technology write for us
biz tech “write for us”
how technology is being used in lifestyle + write for us
technology and business “write for us”
technology “write for us”
emerging business tech “write for us”
write for us + technology
tech starup blogs/magazines +”write for us”
site: write for us technology
tech/write for us + “guest blog”
“technology” + “guest post”
technology news + “guest post”
business and technology blogs “guest post”
home technology + guest post
best place to guest post technology
“marketing technology” + “guest post”
internet technology “submit guest post”
technology + “guest post”
technology + guest post
technology blogs + guest post
“technology tips” + “guest post”
guest post apportunities for technology
tech guest post
tech-related guest post
“tech support” inurl:submit-guest-post
submit tech guest post
“submit guest post” + tech
“it tech” guest post
tech write for us
gadgets write for us
write for us technology
“write for us” + technology
write for us + tech
Write for us + Antivirus
write for us + technology
write for us software
write for us + gadgets
write for us + software
write for us gadgets
“write for us” + tech
technology + “write for us”
software write for us
“write for us”+tech
technology + write for us
software + write for us
tech + “write for us”
tech + write for us
tech gadgets write for us
software “write for us” “submit a guest post” “guest post by” “contribute an article” “want to write” “submit your post” “become a contributor” “accepting guest posts”
Sponsored post websites
Free guest post websites
write for us “Business”
write for us ecommerce
write for us email marketing
write for us “blog”
write for us graphic design
write for us Mobile application
write for us Hacking
write for us CyberSecurity
write for us Gaming
write for us Errors
write for us Social Media
write for us Internet Marketing
Technology Business + “write for us” + guest post
Hosting + “write for us” + guest post
Online Marketing + “write for us”
Web Development “write for us”
Social Media Marketing “write for us”
tech blogs “write for us” + guest Submit
digital marketing news “write for us”
“Write for Us” Fashion & LifeStyle Guest Post
Guest Post clothing “write for us”
wedding clothing “write for us”
stoner apparel “write for us”
style “write for us
Technology “become a guest blogger”
Tech Tips “become an author”
technical write for us
technology + “write for us” + guest post
technology articles + “write for us”
tech blog “write for us”
tech news write for us
technology write for us free guest post
technology blog “write for us”
Keyword “submit tech news”
technology write for us
write for us tech
technology write for us guest post
tech + write for us
tech write for us
write for us technology
write for us tech blog
technology+”write for us”
tech blogs write for us
technology blogs write for us
tech blog write for us
technology blog write for us contribute write for us
emerging tech blog “write for us”
“write for us” + business or technology
tech blogs “write for us”
write for us technology blog
technical writing + write for us
geek tech “write for us”
business technology write for us
biz tech “write for us”
how technology is being used in lifestyle + write for us
technology and business “write for us”
technology “write for us”
emerging business tech “write for us”
write for us + technology
tech starup blogs/magazines +”write for us”
site: write for us technology
tech/write for us + “guest blog”
technology business write for us
tech write for us paid
construction tech “write for us”
gadget and tech “write for us”
blockchain technology write for us
techtarget write for us
entrepreneur technology blog “write for us”
write for us technology content post
“write for us” business technology
“write for us” tech
technology articles write for us
it technology blog “write for us”
write for us — tech blog
site write for us technology
“business technology” “write for us”
write for us technology article post
how to write about us for a tech start up
technology or business “write for us”
inurl:blog inurl:tech intext:”write for us”
write for us business technology
business tech “write for us”
mobile technology write for us
food tech blog + write for us
information technology “write for us”
write for us tech news
techworldme write for us
technology sites write for us
latest tech “write for us”
tech gadgets write for us
technology is being explored in lifestyle+ “write for us
technology + “write for us” + guest post
technology and business blog intitle:”write for us”
technology blog “write for us”
write for us information technology
“write for us” technology
tech write for us guest post
information tech b2b blog “write for us”
“write for us” business or technology
write for us technology
write for us tech
write for us + technology
technology “write for us”
write for us + tech
business “write for us”
technology write for us
write for us business
tech “write for us”
technology + “write for us” + guest post
write for us “technology”
write for us “business”
“write for us” + technology
tech write for us
write for us information technology
technology”write for us”
technology + write for us
write for us + business
“write for us” technology
business write for us
technology + “write for us”
business + “write for us”
write for us business technology
technology blog “write for us”
modern technology blogs write for us
write for us free
write for us “tech”

8. Tech-Talk vs. Simplified Language

Avoid getting lost in tech jargon. Remember, you’re writing for the general public. Use simple language, and when you must use technical terms, provide clear explanations. Your goal is to enlighten, not confuse.

9. The SEO Connection

Now, let’s talk about the SEO magic. Including relevant keywords like ‘Tech’ in your articles and meta descriptions can help your content surface in search engine results. Don’t overdo it, though; balance is key.

10. Getting Started on Your Tech Journey

So, you’re ready to embark on your tech writing adventure. Start by exploring the ‘Write for Us’ page on your preferred tech platform. Familiarize yourself with their guidelines, and don’t be afraid to reach out if you have questions.

Conclusion: Your Tech Odyssey Begins Here

Congratulations! You’ve just taken your first step into the exciting world of tech writing. Remember, it’s not just about sharing knowledge; it’s about making complex tech concepts accessible to everyone. So, go ahead, write your heart out, and let your tech journey begin!


1. Can I write about any tech topic I like?

Absolutely! The beauty of tech writing is its diversity. You can explore a wide range of topics, so choose what excites you the most.

2. Do I need to be a tech expert to write for tech platforms?

Not necessarily. While expertise helps, what’s more important is your ability to explain tech concepts in a way that the general public can understand.

3. How long should my tech articles be?

The ideal length can vary, but aim for articles between 800 to 1500 words. It’s long enough to delve into a topic but not overwhelming.

4. What’s the advantage of using visuals in tech writing?

Visuals make complex ideas simpler. They enhance the reader’s understanding and make your content more engaging.

5. How can I improve my tech writing skills over time?

Practice, read widely, and stay updated with tech trends. The more you write and learn, the better your tech writing will become.

So, are you ready to become a tech-writing maestro? Your ‘Write for Us’ journey awaits, and the world of tech is eager to hear your voice. Dive in, explore, and start crafting those tech-tales today!

Contact Details

For your convenience, here are our contact details:

Email: [email protected]